blue amulet

$ 34.00

These blue amulets have been my favorite thing to stitch lately. Originally featured in Taproot Magazine Issue 57::BLUE, this project stemmed from a towering pile of indigo-dyed linen that sits on the table next to my writing desk. The subtle shades of blues and greens are mesmerizing to me, a whole spectrum of sky and sea tones pulled from the leaves of one humble plant. Each amulet is hand stitched out of this blue linen and has beads, charms, or antique sequins incorporated into the design. Amulets are lightly stuffed with crushed walnut shells and buckwheat hulls and hang from an adjustable 19-22" crocheted cord. They vary in size, most average 1.5 x 1.5".

These one-of-a-kind lucky charms are a treasure to wear or to hang as a decoration to protect and inspire. Hang one from a wall, from your rear-view mirror, over your bed, in a shrine...  They make a very special gift. Handmade with love.

Want to stitch your own blue amulets? Find the DIY kit here.

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